paragraph on a rainy day for class 8,
paragraph on a rainy day for class 7,
paragraph on a rainy day brainly,
paragraph on a rainy day for class 5,
paragraph on rainy day,
paragraph a rainy day,
a rainy day paragraph

A Rainy Day

A rainy day is a day when it rains all day long. The sky remains covered with thick dark clouds all day.  It may rain heavily or slowly in a rainy day. often,there are flashes of lightning of thunder in the sky. The sky is not seen at all. It seems dull and gloomy. People cannot go out without umbrellas and those who do not carry umbrella get drenched. Water stands on the road. Village road becomes muddy and slippery. If the rain is heavy, some roads go underwater.  So, it becomes difficult to  move from one place to another. working people suffer on this days. They cannot go out to earn their daily bread. They have to starve. It also brings sufferings to the school going boys and girls. They cannot go to their educational institutions. Though a few go, they get drenched on the way. As a result classes are not held. Birds cant fly on a rainy day. They keep staking on the branches of trees. Cattle keep standing on their sheds. Is such a day, people have to remain indoors. Some people spend time gossiping, playing cards, singing or hearing songs etc. People like to eat hoch poch with fish fry and pickles in a rainy day. Many people prefer to sit beside the window,drinking tea and listening to the sound of rain. Many prefers to read poetry. Small children often play football within the rain. A rainy day has a good effect on peoples mind. They think of their dear and near ones who stay away from them. A rainy day has its own beauty.