Food Pyramid

paragraph food pyramid for class 5
a paragraph about food pyramid
paragraph food pyramid
food pyramid paragraph

Food pyramid is a chart to show the different groups of foods that we usually take.The foods made of grain are at the bottom of the food pyramid, for example- rice,bread etc. These types of foods are very healthy for our body.We should eat these foods more than other food items.Fruits and vegetables are in the next level of the pyramid and these are also very important for our health because they contain vitamins.We should eat them regularly. Then in the next group,we find dairy products like milk,cheese,yogurt,meat,fish,beans etc. These foods have proteins and we should eat these food items a little. But they are important. Foods which contains fat and oil are at the top of the pyramid.We should eat very little of these foods because they are unhealthy.Sometimes the food we eat, is not the healthiest food for our health. So, the food pyramid helps us to understand the amount of each food group we should eat.